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Gender and education
Girls do better than boys in school and university. But both can still improve—sometimes for surprising reasons
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STENDHAL once wrote that all geniuses who were born women were lost to the public good. At least in the rich world, that wasteful truth has been triumphantly overcome. More than half of new graduates in the OECD club of mostly rich countries are now female. In several the share is around 60%. Former male redoubts such as medicine and law have increasingly been captured by women. Indeed, elite American colleges are widely suspected of admitting male applicants with lower grades, to even up the numbers. Yet despite this monumental advance, prejudices continue to hamper girls—and boys, too. Happily, neutralising them, at least within schools, should be much easier than reversing centuries of patriarchy.
Educational results still seem to support the old …<div class="og_rss_groups"></div>
SOURCE: Economic Issues – Read entire story here.